Saturday, June 23, 2012

My sayings....

Assalamualaikum for all the readers of this blog.. 

This is the first weekend in my second semester... Supposedly we're going to handle "Interfaith Dialogue" program for the Festival Penghayatan Islam II tonight.. There is quite a problem but I really hope everything will be smooth so that this program will be succeeded. This is considered the mark for our BIG.

At this very second, I feel like I want to be at home, with my family members. Doing house chores together as well as cooking and baking; trying various new recipes of cooking. It must be really enjoyable I guess...Hurmm.. But I have another responsibility right now, as a college student. Studies is my priority..

Yes, I admit that I always wanted to have everything in my life. I want to have this, I want to have that, I want to do this and I want to do that... Seeing other people get that kind of thing, I want to have that too. Looking at other girls spending their times with their family, I want to do that too. But, isn't it greedy for  us asking for so many things since there are still many other people who got nothing at all? To be compared with them, we are much much more luckier. Alhamdulillah, thanks to Allah for everything.

I love to complaint, yet to criticize but at the same time, I don't forget to reflect myself. I am grateful for what I own. ( '' ,)

P/s: Actually, I want to post about what I had cooked during my last holidays but it seems that I wrote about other topic...hehehe.. It's okay. By the way, I cooked this pizza last time, and was helped by my beloved brother and sister. =)

Yum3, delicious!!

I think it's time for me to stop. Till we meet again. Wassalam

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Apa cer? Cuti? Sem baru? Result?


Lama sangat aku tak update blog ni kan? Nak kata sibuk, takdelah sangat... Aku baru habis cuti 3 minggu. Ni dah naik semester 2. Bermakna ada lagi 6 semester sebelum aku tamat pengajian kat sini.. Dah tak lama sebenarnya, lebih kurang 3 tahun lebih saja lagi. Dan...selama 3 minggu bercuti, banyak sangat perkara yang aku buat... Bermula dengan wonderful holiday di Langkawi bersama beberapa orang coursemate aku. Then, pergi kenduri kahwin sahabat se-IPG aku di Kedah. Lepas tu, straight away balik ke Kuala Terengganu buat persiapan kahwin mak saudara bongsu aku. Lepas tu, balik ke rumah aku di Kemaman beberapa hari sebelum bertolak ke Cameron dengan famili mak aku.. Ada majlis perkahwinan sebelah pengantin lelaki pulak kat sana. Alang- alang tu kami jalan- jalan sekitar Cameron, ambil gambar dan shopping...hehe.. best sangat spent masa dengan famili. Lepas tamat semua program, barulah aku ada masa lepak- lepak kat rumah. Aku buat kek, pizza, ayam panggang dan lain- lain. Seronoknya cuti!!! (^___^)

Tak sangka cuti dah habis. Dan pada hari pertama kuliah kelmarin, aku dikejutkan dengan berita dah boleh check result untuk semester 1 baru- baru ini. Alhamdulillah, syukur pada Allah yang memberi hadiah ini padaku.. Sungguh tak sangka dengan keputusan yang diperoleh. Apapun, tahniah kepada semua sahabat- sahabatku yang lain atas pencapaian masing- masing. Bersama-sama kita tingkatkan lagi usaha kita. InsyaAllah, amin....

Result aku seperti yang tertera di bawah:

3.59------------- + result sem 2,3,4, 5, 6, 7, 8 =======> dapatkan 3.8 ke atas

Sebenarnya, untuk dapat anugerah first class honour (pointer 3.8 ke atas) bila graduate nanti bukanlah perkara yang senang. Memandangkan aku score 3.59 untuk sem 1, so aku harus dapatkan at least 3.83 untuk setiap semester akan datang... Hurm, tak tau nak cakap apalah kan... Macam susah je kan? Takpelah yang penting cuba sehabis baik... Mungkin Aiza (TESL 2) yang dpat pointer 3.88 boleh capai target ini... InsyaAllah, semoga Allah bantu kita semua.. Aamiin...

Ok la, dah penat menaip, stop di sini dulu. Nanti aku update lagi.. Sekian, wassalam...